Case history 5

 This is an online e-log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. 

A 35year old male patient presented to the opd with fever and dizziness since 3 days. 

Daily routine

Patient is barber by occupatin. He wakes up at 6:00am in the morning, after his daily activity . He goes to the barber shop and runs it for 2-3 hrs. Then he drink alcohol. In afternoon after taking lunch he sleeps for sometime. In the evening he again goes to barber shop. In the night he again consumes alcohol. Comes back home and takes dinner and sleep. 

History of present illness

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 3 days back. Then he developed fever which was decreasing on taking anti pyretics. 

He become unconscious and fell in the washroom where he injured his forehead. 

Fever is insidious in onset, no diurnal variation. 

Fever is associated with chills


Patient went to local hospital, where on investigation diagnosed as pancytopenia and referred to KIMS. 

Past history

Patient had a history of jaundice in 2016, he used local herbal medicine for treatment. Then consumed alcohol, so he developed loose stools, watery in consistency had 20episodes per day. Then went to outside hospital,There he had altered sensorium for 3 days. 

In 2018 on routine health checkup , he is fine. 

There is no history of diabetes, hypertension, TB, epilepsy, asthma. 

There is no history of any major surgeries. 

Personal history

Patient consumes mixed diet. 

Loss of appetite since 6 months. 

Regular bowel movements. Decreases urine output. 

Sleep is adequate. 

Patient is alcoholic since 15 years consumes daily 100-180ml. Habit of chewing gutka 5-6 packets per day. 

No smoking. 

Treatment history

History of jaundice in the past. 

No history of any drug allergy. 

General examination. 

Patient is concisous, coherent and co operative. 

Well oriented to the place, time and person. Well nourished. 

Pallor is present


No Vomitings

No bilateral pedal edema

No clubbing

No cyanosis

No generalised lymphedenopathy.



Pulse rate:120beats/min

B. P:110/70mm hg

Respiratory rate:18cycles/min


Systemic examination


S1, S2 heard. 

No murmurs

Respiratory system

Bilateral airway +

Position of trachea: central

Normal vesicular breath sounds+

No crepts. 

Per abdomen

Shape of abdomen:scaphoid

Tenderness is not present. 

No palpable mass. 

Liver and spleen not palpable. 

Bowel sounds heard. 

Central nervous system

Patient is concisous

Speech is normal

Reflexes are normal.




On 27 November

Clinical images:

Ultra sound report:

Inj.Thiamine 100mg IV/BD
Inj.Methylcobalamine IV/OD
Tab.folvite 5mg PO/OD
Tab.Lorazepam 1mg
Nicotex gums 80g
Tab.Ultracet QID
Oint.Diclofenac BD


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