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Case history - prefinal

This is an online e-log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. 

DOA:- 15/12/2021

 A 57 year old female patient presented to the OPD with chief complaints of decreased urinary output since 3 days , with bilateral pedal edema since 3 days and shortness of breath grade II-III since one day and fever not associated with chills and rigors 


 Patient was apparently asymptomatic 3 years back then she had low back pain which was radiating to groin. Then she went to local hospital diagnosed as renal caliculi and kidney dysfunction on investigation. From then she was on medication.

Decreased urine output since 3days 
Shortness of breath with grade II-III since 1day
Cough with sputum
And fever not associated with chills and rigors 


No similar complaints in the past


Not a know case of diabetes, hypertension, tuberculosis, epilepsy, asthma.


No relevant family history


-Mixed diet
-Adequate sleep
-Regular bowel movements
-micturition:- patient has decreased urinary output
-Patient has no history of any habits


On medication for renal calculi 
Not allergic to any known drugs


Patient is conscious, coherent and co-operative
Well oriented to time and place

Pallor - Present
Icterus - Absent
Cyanosis - Absent
Clubbing - Absent
Lymphadenopathy - Absent
Pedal edema - present 

Temperature- afebrile
Pulse rate- 89 beats per minute
Respiratory rate- 22 breaths per minute
B.P- 110/70 mm hg
SpO2- 90% at room air


Cardiovascular system:
Chest wall is bilaterally symmetrical
S1 and S2 are heard. No murmurs are heard

Respiratory system:
BAE +ve
Breath sounds- decreased breath sounds in right 
Vesicular breath sounds are normal
Dyspnoea: present
Wheezing: present
Right side fine crepts present

Central nervous system:
Patient was conscious, coherent and cooperative
Speech was normal
No slurred speech
No meningeal irritation signs
No abnormality detected

GAIT:- Normal







Usg report :


      PLEURAL TAP was done 

CKD with right sided pleural effusion


1.Pleural tap
2. Head and elevation up to 30°
3. O2 supplementation if SpO2 is less than 90%.
4. Fluid restriction < 1 litre per day
5. Salt restriction < 2.4 G per day
6.Inj. Augmentin 500 mg/ IV/ OD
6. Tab. Azithromycin 500 mg/ OD
7. Inj. Lasix 40 mg IV/ BD
8. Tab
9. Tab shelcal 500 mg audi
10. Tab orofer-xT /OD
11. Inj. Erythropoietin 4000 IU s/c weekly once
12.Inj. Iron sucrose 1Amp in 100 ml us during dialysis
13.Syrup. Ascoryl 10ml /TD
14. Monitor vitals hourly
15. Strict I/O Charting


1.Pleural tap
2. Head and elevation up to 30°
3. O2 supplementation if SpO2 is less than 90%.
4. Fluid restriction < 1 litre per day
5. Salt restriction < 2.4 G per day
6.Inj. Augmentin 500 mg/ IV/ OD( D3)
7.Tab. Azithromycin 500 mg/ OD (D3)
8. Inj. Lasix 40 mg IV/ BD
9. Tab shelcal 500 mg audi
10. Tab orofer-xT /OD
11. Inj. Erythropoietin 4000 IU s/c weekly once
12.Inj. Iron sucrose 1Amp in 100 ml us during dialysis
13.Syrup. Ascoryl 10ml /TD


1. Head and elevation up to 30°
2. O2 supplementation if SpO2 is less than 90%.
3. Fluid restriction < 1 litre per day
4. Salt restriction < 2.4 G per day
5.Inj .pipatz 2.25gm iv bd 
6. Inj. Lasix 40 mg IV/ BD
7. Tab. Nodosis 550mg PO/BD
8. Tab shelcal 500 mg PO/OD
9. Tab orofer-xT /OD
10. Inj. Erythropoietin 4000 IU s/c weekly once
11. Inj Iron sucrose 1Amp in 100 ml us during dialysis
12.Syrup. Ascoryl 10ml /TID
13.Neb with salbutamol thrice daily 

One session of dialysis done 


1. Head and elevation up to 30°
2. O2 supplementation if SpO2 is less than 90%.
3. Fluid restriction < 1 litre per day
4. Salt restriction < 2.4 G per day
5.inj piptaz 2.24gm iv/bd 
6. Inj. Lasix 40 mg IV/ BD
7. Tab. Nodosis 550mg PO/BD
8. Tab shelcal 500 mg PO/OD
9. Tab orofer-xT /OD
10. Inj. Erythropoietin 4000 IU s/c weekly once
11. Inj. Iron sucrose 1Amp in 100 ml us during dialysis
12. Syrup. Ascoryl 10ml /TID
13. Neb with salbutamol thrice daily


1. Head and elevation up to 30°
2. O2 supplementation if SpO2 is less than 90%.
3. Fluid restriction < 1 litre per day
4. Salt restriction < 2.4 G per day
5. D3 inj piptaz 2.25 gm/ IV/ BD
6. Inj. Lasix 40 mg IV/ BD
7. Tab. Nodosis 550mg PO/BD
8.Tab shelcal 500 mg PO/OD
9. Tab orofer-xT /OD
10. Inj. Erythropoietin 4000 IU s/c weekly once
11.Inj. Iron sucrose 1Amp in 100 ml us during dialysis
12. Syrup. Ascoryl 10ml /TID
13. Neb with salbutamol thrice daily 


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